
Infrastructure Network

KAP's Recommendations

  • Expand the network of Roads and Transportation Association of Canada (RTAC) roads

  • Improve and update current flood infrastructure

  • Introduce grant funding for shortline railways

  • Rehabilitate roadways in a timely manner

  • Ensure access to natural gas and electricity is cost effective and timely

  • Improve rural connectivity making it affordable and reliable

Railways, highways, flood infrastructure, wireless communication, ag support services and hydro services are key infrastructure components that contribute to the success of Manitoba agriculture.

    • Farmers rely on safe and well-maintained roads to transport their products to market and deliver to key components of the supply chain, including grain elevators, livestock auction marts, and abattoirs.

    • The impacts of flooding can be catastrophic not only to farmers, but to the food supply of Canada and our global trading partners. There is a tremendous benefit to investments in flood infrastructure to prevent and/or limit the impacts of flooding on our food supply.

    • Wheat

    • Canola

    • Meat products

    • Pulses

    • USA

    • Japan

    • China

    • Mexico

The Numbers